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Entries from January 2008

John Edwards Drops Out, Endorses McCain

by Scott Ott · 65 Comments

(2008-01-30) — Former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards today quit the race for the Democrat presidential nomination, and immediately endorsed Republican frontrunner Sen. John McCain.

“As the presidential field narrows,” Sen. Edwards will reportedly say at an afternoon news conference, “I just didn’t feel there would be room in the race for two white males who [...]


Tags: Politics

Rudy Giuliani's Defective Campaign Aborted Early

by Scott Ott · 27 Comments

(2008-01-30) — Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani plans to abort his presidential campaign today after a preliminary test in Florida showed significant defects.
The former Republican front runner said his decision was “personal”, and asked reporters to respect his “Constitutional right to privacy.”

“It was completely my choice to end it early in the primary [...]


Tags: Politics · Science

Bush Anti-Earmark Order Includes Monument Funds

by Scott Ott · 26 Comments

(2008-01-29) — Minutes after President George Bush signed an executive order Tuesday forbidding federal agencies from funding “earmark” projects which lawmakers slip into bills after voting, the White House announced that when the president signed the order, he had unknowingly mandated $750 million in funding for a new monument on the National Mall.

“It turns [...]


Tags: U.S. News · Uncategorized

Bush's Neo-Market Economic Cruelty

by Scott Ott · 8 Comments

NOTE: ScrappleFace editor Scott Ott writes columns at Here’s a glimpse of his latest, and a link to read more…
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Bush’s Neo-Market Economic Cruelty
by Scott Ott at
When it comes to his “fellow citizens”, President George Bush has two words: Trust and empower.
The refrain of the [...]


Tags: Audiocast · Non-Satire · Townhall · U.S. News

Bush Speech Calls for Pull-Out from U.S. Economy

by Scott Ott · 57 Comments

(2008-01-28) — In his final State of the Union address tonight, President George Bush plans to announce that the U.S. economy has become such a quagmire that the federal government will begin a phased withdrawal.
The nation’s chief executive will reportedly tell the American people that the government got involved in the U.S. economy under false [...]


Tags: Business  · U.S. News

In Drive to Bridge Generations, Kennedy Backs Obama

by Scott Ott · 20 Comments

(2008-01-27) — Demonstrating his broad-based appeal to youthful, as well as seasoned voters, Democrat presidential hopeful Barack Obama stands poised to receive the endorsement of Massachusetts Sen. Edward M. Kennedy.
“As we veteran Democrats drive to bridge the generation gap,” Sen. Kennedy will reportedly say at Monday’s news conference, “There’s no presidential candidate in recent memory [...]


Tags: Politics

South Carolina Loss Jars Clinton to Ponder Pull Out

by Scott Ott · 13 Comments

(2008-01-27) — After a crushing defeat in Saturday’s South Carolina primary, the Democrat who campaigned most vigorously, coming into the state with the strongest organization and the best name recognition, now ponders whether to stay in the race through Super Tuesday.

Associates of former President Bill Clinton privately tell reporters they would not be surprised if [...]


Tags: Politics