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Entries from September 2007

Dem Rivals Call for Pull Out Now, Long Occupation

by Scott Ott · 42 Comments

(2007-09-29) — The leading Democrat presidential candidates joined forces this week to immediately call for the eventual pull out of U.S. forces from Iraq on a time line that could have all of the troops home as early as the end of the second term of the president who succeeds the next one.
“We cannot let [...]


Tags: Politics

Myanmar Junta Locks Up Monks, Kittens, Bunnies

by Scott Ott · 46 Comments

(2007-09-28) — The military junta that rules Myanmar, the former Burma, today announced that in addition to locking up Buddhist monks inside monasteries to keep them from leading anti-government protests, they would also clear the nation’s streets of “kittens, fuzzy bunnies and others who pose a serious threat to our legitimate rule.”
“We are the legitimate [...]


Tags: Global News

Edwards Takes Public Cash to Identify with Poor

by Scott Ott · 32 Comments

(2007-09-27) — In a reversal of a previous decision, Democrat presidential candidate John Edwards announced Thursday that his campaign would accept public funding “as a matter of principle to demonstrate that I identify with the poor and downtrodden who live in the second America.”
The decision, which Mr. Edwards noted is “consistent with my previous statements [...]


Tags: Politics

Bush Denies Ahmadinejad Visited New York

by Scott Ott · 70 Comments

(2007-09-26) — President George Bush today denied that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ever visited New York City and said there’s “no definitive evidence” that he spoke at Columbia University or the United Nations this week.
“If it had happened it would have been horrible — a crime against humanity,” said Mr. Bush, “But I can assure [...]


Tags: U.S. News

Queer Eye for the Iranian Guy Woos Ahmadinejad

by Scott Ott · 82 Comments

(2007-09-25) — Producers of the new BravoTV series “Queer Eye for the Iranian Guy” said they’re close to inking a deal with Islamic Republic President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to appear in the season opener.
While it’s a well-known fact that there are no homosexuals in Iran, the network plans to import them to Tehran from the United [...]


Tags: Global News · Media/Journalism

Hillary to Union: Get Back to Work, I Need the Money

by Scott Ott · 26 Comments

(2007-09-25) — Democrat Presidential candidate Sen. Hillary Clinton today said that while she supports the right of union workers to strike “in principle”, GM employees should “get back to work immediately to ensure that my campaign has plenty of cash to defeat the party of big business in 2008.”
“While G.M. suffers the loss of 12,000 [...]


Tags: Business 

Union Plan: Cut GM Profits to Boost Job Security

by Scott Ott · 25 Comments

(2007-09-25) — As the United Auto Workers (UAW) entered their second day of a nationwide work stoppage against General Motors, union president Ron Gettelfinger hailed the success of his plan to increase job security by slashing company production and profits.
“Our union members deserve steady employment for life as much as the autoworkers of Europe do,” [...]


Tags: Business