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Entries from June 2007

N. Korea Agrees to Agree to Previous Nuke Agreement

by Scott Ott · 266 Comments

(2007-06-23) — In a major diplomatic breakthrough that could usher in a golden age of trust on the Korean peninsula, U.S. envoy Christopher Hill announced yesterday that the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea this week agreed to agree to its previous agreement to shut down its Yongbyon nuclear reactor.
“What we have this time are not [...]


Tags: Global News

Senators OK 40% Efficiency Boost for Cars, Other Products

by Scott Ott · 65 Comments

(2007-06-22) — The U.S. Senate voted yesterday to mandate a 40 percent increase in fuel economy for new cars and light trucks by the year 2020, as a way to reduce U.S. reliance on foreign oil.
In a little-noted “fairness” provision of the bill, the Senate also required other American manufacturers to increase the efficiency of [...]


Tags: Business  · U.S. News

Scott Ott Interviewed on Michael Koolidge Show

by Scott Ott · 5 Comments editor Scott Ott was interviewed today by Michael Koolidge on News/talk 1060 WRHL. You can listen to the interview in the audio archives of


Tags: Audiocast

New Bush Bill Makes Illegals Build Border Fence

by Scott Ott · 162 Comments

(2007-06-15) — President George Bush, in an effort to address conservatives’ dual concerns about border security and the rule of law, today said the revived immigration reform bill would finish the U.S.-Mexico border fence by fining illegal aliens to pay for it and requiring each one to build a section of the fence with his [...]


Tags: U.S. News

Poll: Majority Says Paris Hilton’s Plight Good for America

by Scott Ott · 118 Comments

(2007-06-10) — An overwhelming majority of Americans say they’ve never felt better about themselves than during the past several weeks as they follow the story of Paris’ Hilton’s conviction and incarceration.
“It’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me,” said one poll respondent, a resident of suburban Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. “Just knowing that rich, famous, beautiful [...]


Tags: Culture · U.S. News

Senate Split: Top Doc Pick May Back Stem Cell Gay Cure

by Scott Ott · 75 Comments

(2007-06-07) — Senate Democrats and Republicans are reportedly divided over whether to support or oppose President George Bush’s nomination of Dr. James Holsinger, 68, as Surgeon General, since the University of Kentucky professor’s background indicates he might advocate embryonic stem cell therapy to cure homosexuality.
Dr. Holsinger, who wrote a paper in 1991 calling homosexuality [...]


Tags: Medicine · U.S. News

Bush Ignores Blowback for Libby Case Pardon

by Scott Ott · 36 Comments

(2007-06-06) — Just a day after former Vice Presidential aide I. Lewis ‘Scooter’ Libby was sentenced to 30 months in prison for lying to federal investigators in the CIA leak case, President George Bush ignored potentially-devastating political consequences today by issuing a full pardon to Richard Armitage, the unindicted former Deputy Secretary of State who [...]


Tags: Law · U.S. News