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Entries from May 2007

Obama Health Plan: Give Organs of Rich to Poor

by Scott Ott · 191 Comments

(2007-05-30) — Democrat presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-IL, unveiled a


Tags: Medicine · Politics

No Substitute Yet Found for U.S. Troop Blood

by Scott Ott · 108 Comments

(2007-05-27) — As the United States marks Memorial Day, recognizing those who sacrificed their lives in service to the country, scientists worldwide admit they are likely years away from discovering a “fertilizer for freedom” as effective as the blood of American troops.
“Where liberty has sprouted around the world,” said one unnamed scientist, “we usually find [...]


Tags: Global News · U.S. News

Greenpeace: Wayward Whales Cheap Source of Fuel

by Scott Ott · 29 Comments

(2007-05-27) — After three weeks of efforts by scientists to herd two wayward humpback whales out of the Sacramento River, a leading environmental group today announced that “whales are stupid beasts, but an excellent source of cheap, renewable fuel.”
“Most people marvel at the intelligence of these creatures,” said an unnamed spokesman for Greenpeace, “but frankly [...]


Tags: Science · U.S. News

Al-Sadr Unveils New Plan to Humiliate Bush

by Scott Ott · 45 Comments

(2007-05-25) — After several months in hiding, reportedly in Iran, radical Shiite cleric Moktada al-Sadr emerged south of Baghdad yesterday to tell his Mahdi Army to avoid shooting at Iraqi forces because the U.S. uses that as a justification to continue its illegal occupation of Iraq.
In a fiery speech to the faithful, Mr. al-Sadr [...]


Tags: Global News

Hillary, Obama List Tips to Fight Unfunded Wars

by Scott Ott · 15 Comments

(2007-05-25) — Following their votes yesterday against funding U.S. troops fighting terrorists in Afghanistan and Iraq, Senators Hillary Clinton, D-NY, and Barack Obama, D-IL, today sought to demonstrate that they truly support the troops by releasing a list of “tips for fighting unfunded wars.”
The senate passed the measure, with the two leading Democrat presidential candidates [...]


Tags: Global News · Politics · U.S. News

Bush Hails Carter as Best Former President

by Scott Ott · 134 Comments

(2007-05-20) — Just a day after former President Jimmy Carter told reporters that the Bush administration is “the worst in history” the current White House resident called Mr. Carter “the best former president ever.”
“I know that President Carter and I have had our differences,” said Mr. Bush, “But I think most Americans will agree with [...]


Tags: U.S. News

Alien Bill Deal Puts Kennedy Name on Bush Library

by Scott Ott · 34 Comments

(2007-05-19) — If Congress were to pass the new proposed comprehensive immigration bill, Bush administration sources say Sen. Ted Kennedy will get naming rights to George W. Bush’s future presidential library as part of the deal.
“It’s only fair, since Teddy’s the architect of the Bush legacy,” said an unnamed White House source. “Sen. Kennedy was [...]


Tags: Law · U.S. News