ScrappleFace: News Fairly Unbalanced. We Report. You Decipher  

Entries from December 2006

Woodward Releases Embargoed Chat with Saddam

by Scott Ott · 60 Comments

(2006-12-30) — Reporter Bob Woodward said today he would soon allow his Washington Post editors to publish a secret interview he did in 2005 with former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein in which the dictator questioned U.S. President George Bush’s rationale for invading Iraq.
Mr. Woodward, who recently permitted his employer to publish a similar covert interview [...]


Tags: Global News · Media/Journalism

WMD Found Hanging from Rope in Iraq

by Scott Ott · 33 Comments

(2006-12-30) — The Pentagon announced this morning that a weapon of mass destruction (WMD) was found today in Baghdad, hanging from a rope on a platform.
“This particular WMD,” a Pentagon spokesman said, “is known to have killed thousands of Iraqis, as well as Iranians, Kuwaitis and some U.S. troops.”
The weapon is described as [...]


Tags: Global News

Tribute to Trump & Rosie, Apologies to Neil Diamond

by Scott Ott · 23 Comments

Produced by the ScrappleFace Enterprise Institute
Scott Ott, president, guitar, vocals
YouTube Link


Tags: Media/Journalism · Video

ScrappleFace Editor Responds to Real Editor

by Scott Ott · 94 Comments

To: ScrappleFace Readers
Fr: Scott Ott, editor,
[You can listen to a portion of this post at ScrappleFace Audio.]
In the four and a half years since ScrappleFace began, my little satirical stories have reached millions of people. Those who read them on the website, for the most part, understand the satirical context. However, thanks to [...]


Tags: Non-Satire

Edwards Launches White House Bid for ‘08, ‘12 and ‘16

by Scott Ott · 74 Comments

(2006-12-28) — With just 23 months before the next presidential election, former Sen. John Edwards, D-NC, announced today that he would seek the Democrat nomination for president in 2008, 2012 and 2016, but refused to comment on his plans for 2020.
“Americans are looking for a candidate with experience running for president,” said an unnamed campaign [...]


Tags: Politics · U.S. News

Pelosi: No Link Between Iraq and 9/11 Body Counts

by Scott Ott · 111 Comments

(2006-12-26) — As news broke that the 2,974th member of the U.S. military had died in Iraq this week, pushing the U.S. death toll beyond the number who died in the 9/11 terror attacks, House Speaker-elect Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, rejected theories of a connection between the Iraq and 9/11 death tolls.
“It makes no sense to [...]


Tags: Global News · U.S. News

Marines ‘Massacre’ Trial Inspires Qaeda, Sadr

by Scott Ott · 103 Comments

(2006-12-22) — A day after eight U.S. Marines were charged in connection with the killing of 20 Iraqi civilians in Haditha last November, al Qaeda and Shiite cleric Moktada al-Sadr announced they would begin prosecuting their own fighters who “inadvertently cause civilian deaths” in a series of “jihadi atrocity trials.”
On the morning of November 19, [...]


Tags: Global News · Law · U.S. News