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Entries from March 2006

Prayer Study: Humans Fail to Manipulate God

by Scott Ott · 6 Comments

(2006-03-31) — A team of scientists today ended a 10-year study on the so-called “power of prayer” by concluding that God cannot be manipulated by humans, not even by scientists with a $2.4 million research grant.


Tags: Science · Theology

Iranians Terrified by UN Resolution

by Scott Ott · 6 Comments

(2006-03-30) — The United Nations Security Council yesterday passed a resolution calling on Iran to halt uranium enrichment by the end of April or face the specter of a “virtual mushroom cloud” of additional Security Council discussions and resolutions.


Tags: Global News

Card Departs, Bush Offers to Fire Other Staffers

by Scott Ott · No Comments

(2006-03-29) — Congressional Democrats and major journalists today celebrated the departure of White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card as “the greatest achievement of the Bush administration since the Medicare prescription drug plan.”


Tags: Politics · U.S. News

Sen. Clinton Solves Illegal Immigration Crisis

by Scott Ott · 4 Comments

(2006-03-27) — After a House-passed illegal immigration bill sparked massive protest rallies in Los Angeles and elsewhere over the weekend, Senator Hillary Clinton today introduced legislation that would grant all illegal aliens a new, “less judgmental” status.


Tags: U.S. News

Afghan Judge May Throw Book at Christian Convert

by Scott Ott · 2 Comments

(2006-03-24) — A judge in Afghanistan said today that Abdul Rahman, the man charged with converting to Christianity, would face the death penalty, or worse, if convicted of the crime.


Tags: Global News · Theology

U.S. Needs ‘Guest Worker’ to Answer Helen Thomas

by Scott Ott · 2 Comments

(2006-03-24) — President George Bush today defended his controversial guest worker immigration proposal contending that without the policy, the United States will soon have no way of accomplishing many unpleasant tasks such as harvesting vegetables, cleaning rooms, mowing yards, installing roofing and answering questions from veteran reporter Helen Thomas.


Tags: Media/Journalism · Politics

GM Sweetens Buyout Deal with New Toyotas

by Scott Ott · 1 Comment

(2006-03-22) — General Motors today sweetened its $35,000 buyout deal for 113,000 hourly workers at GM and Delphi, saying that each employee who leaves the companies by the end of March will also get the keys to a brand new 2007 Toyota Sayonara SUV.


Tags: Business  · U.S. News