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Entries from May 2004

Statesman Gore Offers Sensible Iraq Solution

by Scott Ott · Comments Off

(2004-05-28) — Former Vice President Al Gore, who has become a gracious, respected statesman since George Bush usurped his presidency in 2000, today said he has offered the Bush administration a “sensible proposal to bring peace with dignity to Iraq.”
In the dignified manner that has become the hallmark of his public utterances, Mr. Gore urged [...]


Tags: Politics

Kerry: More Troops Would Protect Enemies from Abuse

by Scott Ott · Comments Off

(2004-05-28) — Democrat presidential hopeful John Forbes Kerry today promised to add 20,000 more Military Police to the U.S. force to help protect enemy prisoners from abuse by existing troops, and another 20,000 to protect American civil rights at home.
“We have enough troops assigned to killing the enemy,” said Mr. Kerry, “but there’s a yawning [...]


Tags: Politics

Al-Sadr Celebrates Truce Success with Mortar Rounds

by Scott Ott · Comments Off

(2004-05-28) — The success of the latest truce with revered Iraqi Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr was guaranteed today by the traditional “firing of the holy mortars at the truce partner.”
As nine mortar rounds rained down on a U.S. military base near Najaf, members of the Iraqi Governing Council (IGC) lifted cups of tea in a [...]


Tags: Global News

Poll: Kerry/McCain Ticket Can’t Beat Bush/Clinton

by Scott Ott · 1 Comment

(2004-05-28) — In a hypothetical match-up, Americans would choose the Democrat/Republican White House ticket of Senators John Forbes Kerry and John McCain, R-AZ, by 14 points over the incumbent Republican slate of George Bush and Dick Cheney.
However, voters would re-elect Mr. Bush by a wide margin if he were paired with Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-NY.
“The [...]


Tags: Politics

Al-Sadr Truce Deal Asks U.S. to Build ‘Holy Places’

by Scott Ott · Comments Off

(2004-05-27) — A reported truce proposal from revered Iraqi Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr calls for U.S.-led Coalition forces to pull out of the embattled holy city of Najaf, postpone a murder trial for Mr. al-Sadr and to build several new mosques because the cleric’s militia has “run out of room to store holy weapons.”
“Our most [...]


Tags: Global News

Bush Vows to Raze Abu Ghraib, Build Sam’s Club

by Scott Ott · Comments Off

(2004-05-25) — In a televised address to the nation last night, U.S. President George Bush vowed to end Iraq’s long national nightmare by tearing down Abu Ghraib prison, Saddam Hussein’s correctional facility which U.S. military personnel turned into a “house of horrors”.
The president said the site would become home to a wholesale outlet district, anchored [...]


Tags: Global News

Bush ‘Emotionally Devastated’ Over Low Popularity

by Scott Ott · Comments Off

(2004-05-24) — Aides report that U.S. President George Bush is “emotionally devastated” over news that his popularity rating has hit a new low, largely due to the situation in Iraq.
“The president is despondent,” said an unnamed White House source. “I saw him gently sobbing over the story in The Washington Post, and then scribbling something [...]


Tags: Politics