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Entries Tagged as 'Medicine'

Obama Clarifies Order on Benefits to Same-Sex Partners

by Scott Ott · 7 Comments

(2010-06-03) — Just a day after signing an executive order conferring taxpayer-funded spousal benefits on same-sex partners of federal employees, President Barack Obama today explained that he actually meant to grant the benefits to homosexuals who live with government workers, “not to everyone who has the same sex partner more than once.”
The White House reportedly [...]


Tags: Medicine · U.S. News

Pelosi Finds Cure for Ailing P.O. in Individual Mandate

by Scott Ott · 12 Comments

(2010-04-12) — Just hours after the General Accounting Office (GAO) said the federal government’s mail delivery system is “not viable“, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced that Democrats would introduce legislation containing an “individual mandate” aimed at reversing the $238 billion in Postal Service losses that the GAO projects over the next 10 years.
“The problem with [...]


Tags: Business  · Medicine · U.S. News

Obama Urges Straight Up-or-Down Vote on Constitution

by Scott Ott · 26 Comments

(2010-03-04) — In an effort to break through bipartisan opposition and public discontent with his latest health insurance reform proposal, President Barack Obama today called on the Senate to “take a final, straight up-or-down vote on the U.S. Constitution.”
“The real obstacle to approval of my health care reform plan is this ancient charter of negative [...]


Tags: Business  · Medicine · U.S. News

C-Span Ban Protects Private Health Information

by Scott Ott · 39 Comments

Today, the White House said President Obama’s alleged failure to keep an oft-repeated campaign promise to televise high-level health care reform negotiations on C-Span was necessary to protect the “private health information of the participants” under so-called HIPAA privacy rules.
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 prevents unauthorized disclosure of patients’ health information, [...]


Tags: Business  · DC Examiner · Medicine

Reid Unveils ‘Trojan Horse’ Bill to Contain Health Reform

by Scott Ott · 19 Comments

(2009-10-13) — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid ended days of speculation this morning by releasing the text of a so-called “Trojan Horse” bill which he’ll use to bypass Republican filibuster attempts, amending it later to include the full text of the Democrat health care reform legislation.
The “vapor bill” would ban “concealed, or open, carry of [...]


Tags: Medicine · U.S. News

Obama: Angry Townhalls Prove Need for Cheaper Meds

by Scott Ott · 144 Comments

(2009-08-22) — An outbreak of tumultuous Democrat-run townhall meetings nationwide provides the best proof yet, President Barack Obama said today, that America needs government-run health care to provide low-cost medication to citizens who suffer from bouts of anger and depression.
“Clearly there are mental health issues which are not receiving proper attention under our current health [...]


Tags: Medicine

Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee: Town Hall Phone Call Not Rude

by Scott Ott · 95 Comments

(2009-08-14) — Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee, D-TX, who appears in a viral video making a cellphone call at a town hall meeting while a cancer survivor was trying to ask her a question, today explained that she was not being rude to the voters in the room.
“I didn’t know the answer to the question,” said the [...]


Tags: Medicine · U.S. News