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George Plimpton to Write Book on Death

By Scott Ott, Editor-in-Chief, ScrappleFace.com
News Fairly Unbalanced. We Report. You Decipher.

(2003-09-26) — George Plimpton, the American author who became famous by literally putting himself into the story, is said to be working on a book about death. The 76-year-old scribe died Thursday night in New York.
Mr. Plimpton became an NFL quarterback to write the book “Paper Lion.” He also boxed with Archie Moore, pitched to Willie Mays and performed on the trapeze with a circus.
“This is my biggest challenge to date,” said Mr. Plimpton through his publicist. “Lots of authors write about death, but they don’t know first-hand what they’re talking about. I’ve always found my prose was sharper when I had lived the experience first…so to speak.”
Mr. Plimpton’s literary agent said he already has several six-figure offers from publishers and is waiting for his client to return his phone call.

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