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NY Offers Homosexuals Separate-But-Equal School

By Scott Ott, Editor-in-Chief, ScrappleFace.com
News Fairly Unbalanced. We Report. You Decipher.

(2003-07-28) — The city of New York hopes to set the trend in separate-but-equal schooling for homosexuals when it opens Harvey Milk High School this fall.
The principal of the new school said he will prove that homosexuals can be taught if you isolate them from the teasing, ridicule and abuse they currently face in “regular” schools.
A spokesman for the city said that, in fall of 2005, New York will open four new alternative schools for “Goth teens, quirky geeks, gross smelly kids, and kids with really bad acne.”

Article printed from ScrappleFace: http://www.scrappleface.com

URL to article: http://www.scrappleface.com/?p=829

URLs in this post:
Harvey Milk High School: http://www.nypost.com/news/regionalnews/1711.htm

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