(2008-07-19) — With presumptive President of the United States Barack Obama out of the country, Republican Sen. John McCain, of Arizona, today announced that he intends to challenge Sen. Obama in November’s general election.
Although experts agree that the Democrat nominee has the presidency all but locked up, Sen. McCain told several dozen cheering supporters that he’s “in it to win.”
“My friends, this is not just a vanity campaign to position myself for a sweeter advance payment from some book publisher,” said Sen. McCain. “I actually intend to be sitting in the Oval Office this time next year.”
None of the major TV networks covered the McCain announcement, however, since all of their anchors and reporters were in Afghanistan following the Obama campaign.
Mr. McCain, best known among Republicans for taking principled stands against Republicans, said he would take advantage of his rival’s absence to make speeches distancing himself from President George W. Bush.
19 responses so far ↓
1 Beerme // Jul 19, 2008 at 3:46 pm
McCain had better start campaigning soon or the MSM will simply forego the formality of an election…Not that it will matter much to me. I’m voting Third Party…Party on the Third…something like that!
2 JamesonLewis3rd // Jul 19, 2008 at 4:07 pm
There is an upside.
3 Maggie // Jul 19, 2008 at 4:19 pm
If John McCain were to actually die,we wouldn’t hear about it unless Fox News
left a’ hot ‘mike on the funeral director.
4 camojack // Jul 19, 2008 at 5:19 pm
Last time I looked (which admittedly ain’t often), according to the polls (if you believe in or care about such things), Obama and McCain are pretty evenly matched at the present time…according to the polls. Of course, the only poll that really counts doesn’t happen until November…
5 JamesonLewis3rd // Jul 19, 2008 at 5:48 pm
The hilarious, tongue-in-cheek sarcasm dripping from the NYT’s article’s title induced me to read the knee-slapping 1,300+ word reportage.
These remarks by a couple of locals caught my interest:
~~this is from some tribal chieftan whose mailing address is province of Logar, just south of the capital, second camel-skin tent on the left.
~~this is from some “skeptical” fruit-squeezing corner-dweller, safely and non-chalantly grinning beneath the benevolent shield of someone else’s enormous firepower.
Why do I get the impression that both of these foreigners feel entitled to a piece of our pie?
Follow-up query (optional, extra credit):
6 everthink // Jul 19, 2008 at 5:52 pm
If Fox News did leave a “hot mike (mic)†on the funeral director, what would his friends mumble into that it?
They certainly wouldn’t need say what Jesse said, because Dumbyah took care of that back in 2000.
After that the “Straight Talk Express”, became the “Straight Talk Limited”.
7 RedPepper // Jul 19, 2008 at 6:44 pm
JL3 #2: “There is an upside.â€
Yes, there is.
That would be the side of the piece of toast that you didn’t butter. Correct?
8 Shelly // Jul 19, 2008 at 8:27 pm
Scott, that first link is priceless! Where can I get one of those bumper stickers? (I’m sorry, I’m not really the tattoo type.)
9 danimal // Jul 19, 2008 at 9:32 pm
Bob Dull all over again… Distinguished war hero runs a gentleman’s campaign and loses graciously.
So we get an empty suit Marxist tool for president with a first lady who is an absolute harpy. Again!
Other than that, I have no strong opinions on the matter…
10 Fred Sinclair // Jul 19, 2008 at 9:34 pm
Do you suppose that with their God given abilities the founders foresaw today’s quandary in our government and included the second amendment for times like these?
“–That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government…..â€
Does, or does not the wording stipulate that by “the Right of the People†it is a citizens duty to enforce by whatever means is necessary? Perhaps General David Petraeus could become our modern day General George Washington and relieve the 435+9+1 of their duties and reinstate our Constitution. and if not now, then when?
11 Darthmeister // Jul 19, 2008 at 9:48 pm
Hmmm, I guess this means no more mister nice guy, eh?
The lamestream media has long been carrying Obamessiah’s water so McCain can forget about getting fair and balanced coverage. By September McCain will have to go on a relentless attack of Obama’s insincerity about “change”, his multiple flip-flopping lies, and his documented inexperience as a two-bit Chicago politician who has little chance to exceed the incompetence of one Jimmah Carter as POTUS in a perilous world.
If Obamessiah couldn’t change the poisonous hate of some racemongering pastor in a whacked out church after twenty years of “deep involvement”, then what chance does he have to effect “change” in a nation where Democrats have poisoned the political waters with blame-America conspiracy theories and demonized conservatives who’ve recognized the threat from Islamic fascists since 911 and have supported a full court press approach in securing the safety of Americans from acts of Muslim fanaticism.
12 Darthmeister // Jul 19, 2008 at 10:06 pm
BTW, even the liberal Onion recognizes how the liberal media like Time has gone soft on Obamessiah thus creating a very dangerous situation where even his most ardent supporters don’t truly know the real Obama. What the moonbats have fallen for is the media’s messianic caricature of Obama and not the true Obama who is the most liberal U.S. Senator in the country.
With the national lamestream media’s refusal to engage in their once ballyhooed “adversial journalism” with regard to Obamessiah, they are turning him into a potentially dangerous Trojan Horse candidate. Of course Obama’s fawning sycophants refuse to see this possibility and continue in their blind devotion to the media driven Obama-myth. But what do you expect from such people who get 98% of their “news” from the liberal media and left-wing blogs and have long refused to recognize the general leftist slant of the national news media?
The hardest hitting line in the Onion satire:
“I’m not quite sure how he (Obama) intends to turn around the economy or get us out of Iraq,” said California resident Geoff Mills, an ardent Obama supporter who read the Time story. “But any man who prefers his steak cooked medium-rare has my vote.”
13 RedPepper // Jul 19, 2008 at 10:28 pm
Darthmeister #11: That piece from The Onion is priceless!
And it could not have come at a more appropriate time. Can’t wait to see the hard-hitting journalism that Katie, Charlie and Brian will doubtless produce if they can control their trembling and hyperventilating …
14 MajorDomo // Jul 19, 2008 at 11:10 pm
Gonna be hard to stay in the public eye when the “public” media ignore you. Following him around like puppies and fawning over Obammer’s every word, they don’t even ask a McCain aide for an opinion. Now, if McCain makes a statement, you can bet they’ll devote three minutes to an Obammer aide as a response. My vote for McCain will be as much a vote against the sycophantic democrat press as anything else!!
15 Libby Gone // Jul 20, 2008 at 7:56 am
Drop the Railroad vernacular ( Vernacular??it’s a derby!! nyuk nyuk nyuk)
A limited is a highly expediant mode of transporting humans.
wv:examined Givens, yea after Tyson I would too.
16 Libby Gone // Jul 20, 2008 at 8:03 am
You are absolutely correct!
It is my job to stop Obama from winning the election, by words that resound in truth.
The devil hates truth and fades from it.
Communists simply need my money!â„¢
17 gafisher // Jul 20, 2008 at 8:12 am
JL3 Re#5: “Why do I get the impression that both of these foreigners feel entitled to a piece of our pie?”
As long as the libs keep leaving the pie on the windowsill with a “come and get it” sign the sense of entitlement is inevitable.
18 da Bunny // Jul 20, 2008 at 1:51 pm
Somebody had better light a fire under this old coot’s bottom pretty soon, or else his fossilized buns won’t be sitting anywhere near the Oval Office. The engineer of the “Straight Talk Express” is currently asleep at the switch.
19 Hawkeye // Jul 21, 2008 at 2:42 pm
Too Funny, Scott! Love your work my good man!
(:D) Best regards…
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