ScrappleFace ScrappleFace ScrappleFace Most popular daily news satire site on the web features several new stories each day. ScrappleFace: News fairly unbalanced. We report. You decipher. en-us 2004-03-31T08:39:23-05:00 Condi 9/11 Closed-Door Transcript Leaked to Media (2004-03-31) -- Just a day after U.S. President George Bush announced he would allow National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice to testify under oath before the commission investigating the 9/11 terror attacks, a partial transcript of Ms. Rice's previous closed-door session... U.S. News Scott Ott 2004-03-31T08:39:23-05:00 Kennedy, Daschle Fined for Celebration Over Rice Testimony (2004-03-31) -- Senators Edward M. Kennedy and Tom Daschle face stiff fines for their "excessive celebration" over news that the Bush administration had succumbed to pressure to allow National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice to testify under oath before the 9/11... U.S. News Scott Ott 2004-03-31T08:00:40-05:00 Rice Withholding Testimony for Her Own Book (2004-03-29) -- U.S. National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice said today that she doesn't want to testify before the commission investigating the 9/11 terror attacks because she's witholding "insider information" for her own book to be released when her government career... U.S. News Scott Ott 2004-03-29T22:50:18-05:00 Kerry Calls Pope's Abortion Stance 'Not Nuanced' (2004-03-29) -- The strict anti-abortion stance of Pope John Paul II is "tragically not nuanced," according to U.S. Democrat presidential candidate John Forbes Kerry, a practicing Roman Catholic. "I pray for an America where rosary beads are sold in abortion... Politics Scott Ott 2004-03-29T11:34:00-05:00 Bush Answers Kerry's Scripture Slam (2004-03-29) -- Without mentioning Democrat presidential hopeful John Forbes Kerry by name, President George Bush today responded to Mr. Kerry's use of the Bible to attack his "compassionate conservatism." Speaking in a church service Sunday, Mr. Kerry criticized "our present... Politics Scott Ott 2004-03-29T10:09:11-05:00 Kerry Unveils 'Dispassionate Liberalism' Agenda (2004-03-28) -- After enduring criticism for his failure to make his mark on the Democrat party, or even have a blueprint for his own presidential campaign, John Forbes Kerry today unveiled a platform he called 'Dispassionate Liberalism: An Agenda for... Politics Scott Ott 2004-03-28T10:08:08-05:00 Kerry Calls for Bin Laden to Testify (2004-03-28) -- Presumptive Democrat presidential nominee John Forbes Kerry today said that Usama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri, the leaders of al Qaeda, should testify before the bipartisan commission investigating the 9/11 terror attacks. The remarks follow Mr. Kerry's call... Politics Scott Ott 2004-03-28T08:58:58-05:00 Rice Praises Clarke for Defeating al Qaeda (2004-03-28) -- National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice today praised former counter-terrorism coordinator Richard A. Clarke for "leading the Clinton administration to crush al Qaeda before it had a chance to strike us again on our own soil." "After the 1993... U.S. News Scott Ott 2004-03-28T07:42:18-05:00 Newdow Calls Chief Justice Rehnquist His 'Higher Power' (2004-03-25) -- Self-proclaimed atheist Michael Newdow yesterday pleaded with the U.S. Supreme Court to remove the phrase 'under God' from the Pledge of Allegiance and acknowledged the court's Chief Justice as his "personal higher power." "In the name of William... Law Scott Ott 2004-03-25T08:46:58-05:00 Rumsfeld Offers Plan to Prevent Past Terror Attacks (2004-03-23) -- U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld today told the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States that he has a plan to prevent past acts of terror. "As I have listened to people speculate on what... U.S. News Scott Ott 2004-03-23T22:46:01-05:00 FBI Tracked Kerry, But Failed to Stop Him (2004-03-23) -- Questions about the reliability of U.S. intelligence services grew today as documents revealed that the FBI tracked Democrat presidential candidate John Forbes Kerry as early as 1971, but did nothing to stop him. "This looks like another tragic... Politics Scott Ott 2004-03-23T16:07:44-05:00 Clarke: Bush's Saddam-Obsession Delayed Iraq Attack (2004-03-22) -- A new book by Richard Clarke, the former counter-terrorism coordinator for the Bush administration, charges that the president was so obsessed with Saddam Hussein that he delayed invading Iraq for 19 months after the 9/11 terror attacks "just... Global News Scott Ott 2004-03-22T08:33:27-05:00 Kerry Speaks Out Against Snowboarding (2004-03-20) -- The presumptive Democrat presidential nominee, Sen. John Forbes Kerry, today called for a ban on snowboarding. The demand comes less than a week after a Secret Service agent caused the Senator to tumble on a slope in Idaho.... Politics Scott Ott 2004-03-21T09:51:29-05:00 Bin Laden Withdraws Support for Kerry (2004-03-21) -- Religious philosopher Usama bin Laden today announced that although he had been among the unnamed foreign leaders who support John Forbes Kerry's election as U.S. president, he has withdrawn his support. "At first, I was an anyone-but-Bush man,"... Politics Scott Ott 2004-03-21T08:25:02-05:00 Scalia Questions Ginsburg's Absence from Cheney Duck Hunt (2004-03-18) -- Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia today claimed that his colleague, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, should recuse herself from a case involving Vice President Dick Cheney because she refused to hunt ducks with Mr. Cheney in January. The statement... Law Scott Ott 2004-03-18T22:44:24-05:00