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November 11, 2004
'Fahrenheit 9/11' Sequel to Feature Jar Jar Cameo
by Scott Ott

(2004-11-11) -- Michael Moore said today that, even though his sequel to 'Fahrenheit 9/11' will include a cameo appearance by Jar Jar Binks, he has not "sold out to commercialism."

Mr. Moore, whose documentary raked in more than $100 million, said he continues to "despise the greed-lust of George Bush's cronies in the military industrial complex" and that he's making 'Fahrenheit 9/11 1/2' to prove that he's still "an edgy, politically-passionate independent filmmaker."

Mr. Binks, who starred in several of George Lucas' Star Wars sequels, said he's delighted to be on the big screen again.

"Me-sah love Michael Moore-sah, okee-day," said Mr. Binks. "He-sah justah like my old boss Jabba Lucas."

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